2011年5月10日 星期二

East meets West (the -ing culture) 中西滙集

The place where the East meets West: Turkey. A friend said.

What does East meets West mean? I don't really know. Born in Hong Kong, educated in Hong Kong I was. Hong Kong was a British colony before 1997 and now is part of China. Majority of Hong Kong people are Chinese, native tongue in Cantonese. Interestingly, we always speak with mixture of Chinese and English. The more interesting thing is we are so creative () that we mix the language grammar of the two languages! (Examples pls see below red Chinese+English text!)

Lately some people use this "-ing" culture to make up their names. And the name is "Illing"!!!

(For those who only read English, perhaps it is a bit difficult for you to understand. It is also not easy for me to express in writing though!)

土生土長的我,亦是在香港受教育。香港是華人社會,我們都說廣東話,但非常有趣的是我們說話時,經常,經常地混合了廣東話加英語,例如:我好鬼frustrated!」「嘩,去歐洲好happy o者!」「上吓course,upgrade吓啦。」我想在世界別的地方未必有這種現象。



