The last article is the first one relatively long and in English. (The earlier "I've learned" was actually some chain email from friend.) Why is it different from the previous and in English?
When I started writing blog, I want to write bilingually so that non-Chinese friends can read too. I can neither write by 倉頡 nor by 拼音pinyin. So writing in Chinese is pretty slow. But the good thing in Chinese is the expression can be more lively by the colloquials. When I finish the Chinese version, I find not enough time to write in English.
When I wrote the last one "What do we learn?", I knew it would be a long one. I wanted to finish it as fast as I could, so I did it in English.
I always think I do not write (probably most Hong Kong people don't) beautifully. We are trained in school to write in simple, straight-forward approach both in Chinese and English. More than that, sometimes we are not aware of writing "Chinglish" - writing Chinese in the sentence structure of English!! Even worse, do I always have inspiring ideas to share? So I hesitated for some time to start the blog.
It always comes to a situation where people not to start something until fully prepared. I will be happy when I have a house, a car...; I will marry you when I become rich...; I will write when I can write flowery messages... There is no best, only better.
There is no best, only better. So I write, here and now!