2011年5月30日 星期一

Aung San Suu Kyi 昂山素姬 - What have I learnt?

It was excited to watch Aung San Suu Kyi live broadcast via Hong Kong University today.

Not talking about politics here as no one, no one can ever please everyone.

My key learnings and things that I appreciate from Aung San Suu Kyi:

There is no good or evil people, no wise or stupid people, but learners and non-learners.  Our behaviors (responding to the world) are shaped by how we are raised, educated and what we have been going through life.  So, what we have learned makes our behaviors and makes what we are now.  Who would you like to be?

What makes you happy (in your 20 something years in house arrest)?  Simple great question from an audience.  I think most people know, yet do not or dare not believe the answer.  Aung said just simple thing such as being able to go to sleep earlier makes her happy.  Do you and dare you believe?  Be happy.

There is no opinion freedom in China?  What advice will you give?  Another question from an audience.  Again, do you and dare you dream?  Are you willing to move ahead?  Aung said there is certainly some sort of freedom in China, some people get some ways.  And create it, create the way to voice your opinions.  Action!!

2011年5月29日 星期日



我無錯,是社會的錯,學校的錯。 (是嗎?好可憐啊!)

自小被填鴨,不准放蚊(打呵欠),不准傾偈(談笑),不准食0野(飲食),不准發問... 所有口部運動都停止。哦... 怪不得,怪不得... 然後,精力無法釋放,便蔓延至手部。怪不得,怪不得現在無論在車廂裏,電梯裏,課室裏,會議室裏都見所有人〝埋頭苦幹〞(篤擬似iXX電子通訊物體),沒有怨聲,投訴聲,討論聲,也沒有歡笑聲 >-<

2011年5月26日 星期四

Coaching 教練學《5》- 死穴一之「身段」


** 你是否認為自己必須做對?
** 你是否必須證明自己的論點?
** 你是否必需別人同意你?
** 你是否必須避免出亂子、出洋相和被否定?

** 限制了更多更新更好的可能性
** 堵塞了自己的聆聽
** 阻礙了溝通
** 喪失了尊重而磨滅了創意



2011年5月17日 星期二






Friends are like balloons

Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we have let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who is right and who is wrong that we have forget what is right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I am going to tie you to my heart.

2011年5月16日 星期一

Coaching 教練學《4》- 四大死穴





你必須背道而馳,把教練式領導放在第一位,才可獲得最大勝利 待續...

2011年5月10日 星期二

East meets West (the -ing culture) 中西滙集

The place where the East meets West: Turkey. A friend said.

What does East meets West mean? I don't really know. Born in Hong Kong, educated in Hong Kong I was. Hong Kong was a British colony before 1997 and now is part of China. Majority of Hong Kong people are Chinese, native tongue in Cantonese. Interestingly, we always speak with mixture of Chinese and English. The more interesting thing is we are so creative () that we mix the language grammar of the two languages! (Examples pls see below red Chinese+English text!)

Lately some people use this "-ing" culture to make up their names. And the name is "Illing"!!!

(For those who only read English, perhaps it is a bit difficult for you to understand. It is also not easy for me to express in writing though!)

土生土長的我,亦是在香港受教育。香港是華人社會,我們都說廣東話,但非常有趣的是我們說話時,經常,經常地混合了廣東話加英語,例如:我好鬼frustrated!」「嘩,去歐洲好happy o者!」「上吓course,upgrade吓啦。」我想在世界別的地方未必有這種現象。




Coaching 教練學《3》

香港是個大都會,生活節奏超快,公司要求回報超快,減肥要超快,拿學位要超快,總之樣樣超快。於是做上司,主管為求超快達標,你你你... 就照做啦。好處一大籮,超快,合心意,下命令~~~爽!


再次強調教練學不是仙丹,不是補針。它是協助,啓導受教者走上自我探索,自我實現的道路;是一個過程,一個停不了的過程。要成為領袖,你首先要自我突破,願意踏上這條探索的路,才可擔當教練別人。 待續...

2011年5月7日 星期六

Chinese? English? 中文?英文?--> Are you ready? 你預備好了嗎?

The last article is the first one relatively long and in English. (The earlier "I've learned" was actually some chain email from friend.)  Why is it different from the previous and in English?

When I started writing blog, I want to write bilingually so that non-Chinese friends can read too.  I can neither write by 倉頡 nor by 拼音pinyin.  So writing in Chinese is pretty slow.  But the good thing in Chinese is the expression can be more lively by the colloquials.   When I finish the Chinese version, I find not enough time to write in English.

When I wrote the last one "What do we learn?", I knew it would be a long one.  I wanted to finish it as fast as I could, so I did it in English.

I always think I do not write (probably most Hong Kong people don't) beautifully.  We are trained in school to write in simple, straight-forward approach both in Chinese and English.  More than that, sometimes we are not aware of writing "Chinglish" - writing Chinese in the sentence structure of English!!  Even worse, do I always have inspiring ideas to share?  So I hesitated for some time to start the blog.

It always comes to a situation where people not to start something until fully prepared.  I will be happy when I have a house, a car...; I will marry you when I become rich...; I will write when I can write flowery messages... There is no best, only better.

There is no best, only better.  So I write, here and now!

2011年5月5日 星期四

Do we learn? Do we really learn? When do we really learn?

In 2008, Nick Vujicic came to Hong Kong the first time.  I could not attend his seminar as the tickets were just gone in a minute.

In Nov 2009 here he came again, and he came to our university.  I was very lucky that I was at my work desk, on my email and an email came in by our university.  I was very excited and registered right away!!

When I first saw his short video on Youtube, it is of course very inspiring, very touching.  It is so encouraging and motivating when he "stands up" by using his head.  It is powerful of his action/demonstration as well as by his voice and the message - if I fell a hundred times, I try a hundred and never give up... It matters how you finish. You'll find the strength.

Now he was alive in our university, the same powerful voice, the same powerful demonstration.  In the Q&A session, I asked him a question which made him stay silent for 2 minutes before he answered. (I was actually a bit embarrassed!)  What did I ask?

I said, "Nick, your life is so meaningful.  You are so powerful.  Yet, you still say you feel sad.  What makes you sad?"

From most people's eyes, Nick's life will be extremely miserable (before he is famous).  If I were him, I would be dead already.  That's quite common, right?  And then, when there are chances to go to seminars by "inspiring people", for examples, (apart from Nick) Thich Nhat Hanh一行禪師, people are crazy to attend, to learn.  However, do you learn?  Do you really learn?  When do you really learn?  It is when you really put into practice.

For sure it is wonderful to learn from these wonderful people.  No doubt.
Be frank, the great motto/quotations from these great people, are they new and special?  Not really.  They are great wisdom in the past thousand years.  And they are all in books, internet.  We probably read some, most or all of them, however, why haven't we learned?

Moreover, we read plus attend these seminars, do we learn, do we really learn?

Imagine, all these sayings from these great people will be delivered by an ordinary man.  Will you go?  Will you learn?  Will you really learn?



四月份只寫了15篇網誌,30天的一半,亦即可視為50%生產力。Um... 偏低 :(

五月份已過了五天,17%,或者是接近20%,五份之一喇喇喇!如果做銷售,五份之一時間已過,好大壓力啊... 話說回來,要提高寫網誌的生產力啊!怎樣做?很簡單:勤力也!〔向學習〕 要屏棄散慢,不做

很多人說,沒靈感嘛!o拿o拿o拿... 又是藉口!救命!夠啦!
